Going though “the Change?”

There’s supplement that relieves symptoms related to perimenopause Perimenopause is no walk in the park. It can make those who suffer incredibly uncomfortable. Between night sweats, hot flashes, irritability, irregularity in the menstrual cycle, fatigue, cramping,...

Time to Boost Your Body’s Natural Immunity

It is September, and with kids going back to school, and with the colder weather coming that means more close contact indoors with others.  One of the best things that we can do to prevent COVID-19 or any other illness is to boost our own immune system. Here are...

Do NSAIDs Cause Chronic Pain?

What do you do if you have an injury resulting in low back pain?  As a society we have been conditioned to take something for it.  Most commonly it is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) which include:  Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) and Naproxen (Aleve)....

Heat vs. Ice: A “Heated” Topic

Heat vs. Ice. It’s a long debated discussion amongst chiropractors, physical therapists, and medical doctors. Do you need ice or heat? Here are some tips.  You cannot have pain without inflammation. Pain is actually one of four presentations of inflammation—the...

Laughter is a Great Stress Reliever.

Last month I wrote a blog titled 15 Evidence Based Ways to Relieve Stress, yet I forgot one very important and effective way to relieve stress and that is with laughter. Laughter not only reduces stress, it is great for you both mentally and physically. One of the...

The Significance of Breathing and How It Relates to Pain

Breathing is a process that we take for granted. Oxygen flows into the body as we breathe in, and carbon dioxide exits the body as we breathe out. As long as our bodies are healthy, breathing is just something that happens, whether or not we are thinking about...